MOST EXECUTIVES HAVE MADE IT TO WHERE THEY ARE BY BEING EXCELLENT DOERS. They’re highly intelligent, profoundly accomplished, and lauded by many in their industries for getting stuff done. They're excellent at turning the right dials and pulling the right levers. They know their numbers, understand their finances, and can get an immediate pulse on their business.
But there’s a big shift from being a super-achiever to the role of being an executive leader. This takes an entirely new set of muscles that they've not yet needed to employ. They have to swallow the difficult truth that what got them here may impede their path.
A huge element of executive leadership is the human dimension:
How to inspire their teams to do great work (instead of demand it)
How to become more emotionally intelligent and develop skills beyond traditional business competencies (there’s magic here)
How to create a vision and inspire a team to move towards that greater tomorrow
How to know when to be decisive and when to let others take the reins
How to foster connection through warm, caring relationships
How to encourage team play so as to break new ground together
How to engage others in a manner that allows the parties involved to discover common ground
How to embrace courageous authenticity and take tough stands, bring up the “undiscussables,” and openly deal with difficult relationship problems
And more . . .
When someone moves from the management world to the leadership world, a whole new set of rules apply.
Trying to apply management skills to a leadership role is like trying to apply Earthbound rules to outer space.
This is the shift that I help executives and teams make. I’m privileged to get to do this work and to be allowed into the worlds of such amazing people in such a powerful way.
“The Leadership Circle Profile was just the tool I needed to understand the difference between perception and reality, or more accurately, the various realities that can exist simultaneously. The hardest part of the assessment was realizing that where I thought I was already great, there was much room for improvement. This was exacerbated by the Hogan EI assessment, where it became blatantly obvious the areas I could work on, and see a large ROI. Both of these tools created valuable realizations on their own, but the timing of each substantiated the results and brought them more to life.”
Although the personal element is big in my work, the foundation of what I do lies in the assessments I facilitate with you and your team.
I liken this to skiing . . . The most devout gym-goer, no matter how many leg presses and squats they do, when they go skiing for the first time, WILL be sore. This is because they have a whole range of underdeveloped muscles that they haven’t had to employ until now.
The assessments help us determine these leadership muscles – both the strong ones as well as the underdeveloped ones – before anyone crashes and burns (hopefully).
Over the past five years, I've surveyed the landscape of assessment instruments and determined these to be the best in class for Director Level to C Level executives: